Friday, June 27, 2008

Pictures of London

OK, so the second child always has less pictures. Well, I have figured out that it is because life is so crazy for the parents that they have no time to take pictures. However, I do have pictures of London. Actually, I was adding baby pictures last night during a thunderstorm and the power flashed so I lost all my work. I will add pictures of London ASAP.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Here are two pictures.

I found the post I was working on. It is not complete, but at least it shows pictures for those who care.


We went to the Chickamauga Chase 5K and 2 mile walk. I did the 5K and Sunshine and Willow did the walk. It was a lot of fun! We also visited the Tennessee Aquarium and the Children's Museum. That was REALLY COOL! Oh, this was back in April. It was a nice family weekend. We plan on going back next year.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Old Pictures

I'm moving these older pictures to my blog and going to cancel my website.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Willow loves to sing. She is a little bit Country and little bit Rock n Roll. She sure can "Ham it Up!" She learned to close her eyes while singing by watching American Idol! How funny! (This is a video and may not appear if you are viewing from school.)

Where did the name come from?

You may be wondering what the deal with the names: Super Duper, Linger and Delay. Well, it all started one night when it was time for bed. Willow was playing and I was watching TV. Sunshine said, "It is time for bed Linger and Delay. Daddy is Linger and Willow is Delay." Well, that caught on with Willow. She sometimes calls me Linger and I sometimes call her Delay. It is cute.

Sunshine's name is Super Duper since she is the supervisor of bedtime duties. So, she named herself Super Duper. London has yet to earn a nickname. :-( Oh well, I'm sure it won't be long!

So, that is how I came up with the name for my blog: Super Duper, Linger, Delay and London.