Friday, February 13, 2009

Winter Jam continued

Tony Nolan actually emailed me. It is amazing and uplifting to be in touch with a Christian man such as Tony.

Here are copies of our email correspondence:

Earl!AWESOME! I am thrilled to hear how great your night went with us. Then to hear that you sponsored a child....I'm freaking out! Thank you so much for helping the Orphan. May God bless you for blessing them. Keep pressing on and you can jump in a game of full court anytime you feel frogy!! Ha!
Blessings!Tony Nolan

WOW! I never expected a personal reply! You and Toby can come over to Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Snellville, GA any Thursday night for a little b-ball. We play at 9pm tonight. (LOL! -as the kids say.) God bless you, your family, Winter Jam, and your ministry. Keep it real! Keep it relevant and keep spreading the GOOD NEWS!
-Earl Edmunds

you never know bro we may show up one day! Love ya man and I am praying for you guys. Lift us up this weekend as we hit it again for God's glory.Tony Nolan
-- Enjoying Jesus!Tony Nolan

Monday, February 9, 2009

Winter Jam 2009

I went to Winter Jam last night with the youth group. It was AWESOME!
TobyMac and HawkNelson put on the best performances of the night. However, the others weren't too shabby either. Newsong did one of my favorite songs, Arise My Love.

Tony Nolan spoke, he was real and relevant. He was funny , but serious. I believe that many young lives were saved last night because he allowed the Lord to use him. His orphan story made me cry. I was so moved that I committed to sponsoring a child in Haiti, a young boy by the name of Samuel. The sponsorship is through Holt International. Isn't it our job to protect the innocent and care for those children without parents?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A few more pictures.

Mt. Zion Weekday Preschool Pajama Night

London is ALWAYS on the go!

Trick Edforton reunion concert at Chick Music in Athens, GA. December 28, 2008??

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pajama Party Video

Willow chose to dance with MacCade instead of Mom or Dad. :-(

just pictures

We recently had our pictures taken at Purvines Photography in Stockbridge. The owner, Molly Purvines is a friend of Sunshine's and she does excellent work. If you would like, visit her Web site at Saying all that to say we have not received the pictures yet. So, I'm placing some here to hold you over for a while.

Willow and London taking a bath.

Mt. Zion Weekday Preschool Pajama Night!!
What a cute elf!

I am Poor and Needy

In Psalm 86 David prays, "Hear me Lord for I am poor and needy." This is David, a man after God's own heart. The same David that had so much faith in the Lord that he fought and conquered Bears, Wolves and a Giant without fear. This is the same David that became a great king because of his faith in the Lord. Even with his great faith and success he realized he was powerless without God. That he was in fact "poor and needy." I forget that I am poor and needy and try to do things on my own. Please forgive me Lord, for I am poor and needy. I need you!

Verse 8 states: "Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works." I need to remember this, also. Lord, there is none like You.

Verse 12: "I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forever." I want to praise you Lord. Help me praise you with all my heart and glorify You always.

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be like David and be a man after your own heart.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Super" Bowl??

Is it just me or was the whole Super Bowl experience very anemic this year? It was boring until the end and had a mediocre halftime show. I guess that is what you get with a really lucky team that really probably shouldn't be there and a semi-retired rocker. Maybe they could change the name to the Mediocre Bowl or NotsoSuper Bowl. That is my opinion and you know what they say about opinions. Maybe I'm being a little harsh. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I would have cared and a 3 year-old wasn't wanting my attention.

Even the commercials were lacking. Are you telling me these companies that have profits close to a billion dollars can't shoot a decent commercial? Oh well, there is always next year.

However, I have a more pressing question. Does God control games so certain teams will win? Did he appoint the Steelers to win? (Now you are going to say,"He knew the Steelers were going to win." I agree with that, but did he control the Super Bowl in order that they would win?) I think that He usually doesn't. Football is for our entertainment and in the world scheme it doesn't matter who wins. God gives athlete's the talents and they should use it to the best of his ability to honor God. I believe that there are times that God has changed a game for His glory. I don't know for a fact that the Lord has done this, but He is God and He can do what He wants. Maybe someone needed to learn a lesson or He wanted to bless a faithful servant. I guess it's not really important that I know the answer to this question, but it is fun to discuss. Discussions like this usually turn to whether or not predestination exists. I'm not sure of the answer of that either. I guess I will just have to wait until I get to heaven to answer both of these questions.

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you Lord." -Psalm 56:3